woman with back pain

    Little Known Ways to Treat Sciatica Now

    If you are suffering from Sciatica or any other back pain today, you are not alone, millions of sufferers every year are forced to endure pain at a great cost to their health and pocket. Smaller muscles in the back have started to deteriorate and this only adds to the problem of Sciatica. There are many situations in which you will find yourself confused as to the right treatment, many practices out there are not the right choice for you.

    In this article I will discuss some alternative avenues to get rid of your Sciatica.

    This is not to say that you should never consult a doctor or not go to the doctor because they are there to help you, but you need to be aware of what your other options are.

    Arthritis Foods

    Firstly you need to make sure that you cut out eating all types of unhealthy foods, such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats. These are no good for you and will put additional strain on your back. You should aim to eat a healthy & balanced diet which contains a lot of fruit, vegetables and meat. You will have to cut out meaty foods to such an extent that 1 in 5 of your meals will contain meat.

    Fish & Beans

    You should aim to eat at least two portions a week of fish, more if you can and you are excused if you have never tried fish. Beans are also very good for you if you are on a low calorie diet.


    You need to aim to be consuming around 25 grams of protein in one day. If you can break these down into a 4 meal day, that will be better. There are different types of protein and you should try to get 1 grams of each for each meal.

    Most diets these days assume that you will get your protein the ‘rest of the day’. In reality that is probably not the case, because your body needs to build up your protein calories before the next meal. The best way to get your protein is intent on the ‘ ellipses’. This means that you should be eating 5-6 meals a day, one each day for 6-7 days, then you will have built up enough protein for the next meal which will be 6-8 days away.

    If you adopt this strategy your protein will be closer to its peak levels, and you should weigh less too.


    The best time to be checking out your veggies is once a week. If you are overloaded of fruits then you will have to reduce your daily consumption, so try to replace it with a day or two of vegetables.

    Red meat

    Try to introduce red meat to your daily diet only on the days when you are required to eat it. In reality it is best to reduce consumption of red meat completely during the holidays as it is loaded with calories and fat.

    Dairy products

    Young children will not enjoy dairy based foods as they will have had calcium since birth, and so try to introduce them in smaller quantities, say 1/2 a cup on a daily basis. Things such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and yogurts do not count in this regime as they are not classified as vegetables.